Reservoir Dogs - Wow, I can't believe I hadn't seen this sooner. I was gripped throughout the whole film and I loved the order of the narrative. Also, I'll never hear the song 'Stuck in the Middle With You' in the same way again.
The Good Night - I'd be lying if I said I watched this for any reason except Simon Pegg. So I was disappointed because his character wasn't even likeable! I haven't been this bored watching a film for a long time, so just never watch this film.
Paul - I've been looking forward to this for a while, because I'm a huge fan of Simon Pegg and Nick Frost. It was much funnier than I'd expected, and Paul is such a great character! However, it definitely is missing that Edgar Wright touch, because I felt the direction wasn't as fast paced as it could have been. Still, loved it.

From Dusk Till Dawn - What an odd film. It starts off like Pulp Fiction (and coincidentally, Tarantino acts in this film) but halfway through turns into a vampire movie! It's all a bit ridiculous but it was entertaining nonetheless.

Fargo - I loved this, mainly for Frances McDormand's character, Marge. She's so positive in such a grim situation.
The Social Network - I've been wanting to see this since it came out but for some reason never got round to it! So I bought it on DVD and absolutely loved it. I remember hearing about 'a Facebook movie being in production' and thinking that it would be terrible, but then of course I heard it's directed by David Fincher who has directed so many amazing films. There's a lot of young acting talent in it as well! And the soundtrack is very subtle but beautiful.
True Grit - Completely deserved the Oscar nominations. Hailee Steinfeld is clearly going to do great in the future, I see her as the new Natalie Portman. Jeff Bridges was great too, obviously, but sometimes it was difficult to understand what he was saying!