Films I've seen recently
The King's Speech - Really enjoyable film. It was much more light-hearted than I expected, and I was laughing quite a lot. Colin Firth is brilliant, it must have been a difficult character to play. I think it's worthy of all the awards it's winning/being nominated for, but I hope it doesn't win all the awards.
District 9 - I wish I'd seen this sooner. I loved this film for many reasons; the way it was filmed, the situation, the "prawns". I've never felt so much sympathy for an alien before!
Ice Age 3: Dawn of the Dinosaurs - This film was nothing special. I felt like there wasn't much more they could get from these same characters, and half an hour into the film it was all getting a bit repetitive.

Black Swan - My favourite film of 2011 so far. I loved everything about it. The cinematography was beautiful, as was the music. Natalie Portman was flawless and the ending left me shaking (I get too emotionally attached in some films) I have high hopes for it at the Oscars on Sunday.

Withnail & I - I've been trying to watch all the "cult comedy" films, so I recorded this when it was on TV the other week. It was very grim but also hilarious at times. I wasn't paying attention completely but I still think it was a great film.

Psycho - This was the 1998 remake, which wasn't terrible, it just seemed a bit pointless. It used the same shots, the same script, the same music, and I don't understand why they felt they had to remake it when the original is brilliant. If anything, watching it made me think "I need to watch the original again, or instead of this".
Never Let Me Go - I've been looking forward to this film for a long time, since reading the book and loving it. I heard there was an advanced screening of it 5 days before the UK release, so I went to that, and it was followed by a satellite Q&A with the author Kazuo Ishiguro which was interesting. I absolutely loved it, and it's a shame that it's going so unnoticed by audiences and the Oscars. It's one of the most heartbreaking films I've ever seen and Carey Mulligan and Andrew Garfield are brilliant in it.
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